Allergies and Dietary Requirements

Food Allergies and Dietary Needs

At Pineapple Tours we understand that everyone has different needs when it comes to food and we have gone to great effort to make sure that we can cater for your every need.

Pineapple Tours understand the difference between food allergies and food intolerances and our meal options on all of our tours are flexible you just need to let us know in advance.

We have gluten free and dairy free options as well as vegetarian and vegan options on all of our tours. We can also adjust meals if you have another kind of intolerance.

Please don’t hesitate to ask us about your specific dietary needs, no one knows better than you when it comes to your requirements, and everyone is different.

This way you can focus on the fun and the wine instead of worrying what effect your food is going to have on your afternoon.

Difference between food sensitivity and food allergies.

Dip into hot salsa or spicy Indian food, and your nose starts running. Beans give you gas, or a glass of wine means a headache later. If you’re lactose intolerant, you expect diarrhea when you eat cheese or milk.
Most people have reactions to foods like these from time to time. But they’re usually food sensitivities or intolerances. They aren’t caused by your immune system.

A food allergy is different. Your body mistakes harmless food as something that could make you sick. When you eat something you’re allergic to, your immune system responds to protect you. You might get a mild skin rash or itchy eyes, or you could have a bigger reaction that leaves you gasping for breath.

Food allergies can be serious, but you can take steps to manage them. One of the best things you can do is avoid your trigger foods.

Foods That Cause Allergies – Eight things cause about 90% of food allergy reactions:

Almost any food can trigger an allergy, though. Less common ones include:

Food Allergy Symptoms – An allergic reaction can happen within minutes of eating, or it may happen hours later.

Mild symptoms can be hard to tie to specific foods. You could get

Most often, peanuts, nuts, fish, and shellfish cause severe reactions, although any food can. Symptoms include: